"To Err is Human. Every mistake is also an experience, to build a new life. But mistake should not be repetation again. "
"Always we should use our Mind, in positive and right direction, like, right way, right vision, right thinking, right hearing, and right speaking. Then automatically, our Mind will work in right way, with full aware and Consciousness."
"We should look only four steps onwards, at the time of our walking. If we look four steps on Road, first we can save, small Insect, Ant etc. not to be pressured, by our foot steps, at the time of walking, and also, our mind will not be disturbed by bogus things, around the road incidents."
"Early morning, and before bed, we should think or pray, about only Spiritualism, do not see, any violence incident. Mind will be disturbed. Also we should make habit, before sleep, to burn a small candle to tribute God. Then automatically, our whole day, with night sleep, will be very charming."
"Life is very simple, and Joyful. But forcefully, we create difficulties, for wrong judgment of thoughts, in our work, and, we suffer whole life, deprive to enjoy, peace and happiness. "
"As per quantity of Ego, aspiration, wanting or craving mentality, our suffering will be reflected, much bigger than, our ego or want. In opposite, if we have no ego, no hope, no want, and if we trust to God, for our every work, then Peace and Happiness, will knock the door. "
"Life is equally proportionate, with Happiness and sorrow. So we should enjoy, every happy moment of present situation, with full aware."
"Positive attitude makes life rise. Always we should habit to maintain four positive aspects in our life. Which is, Positive thinking, Positive looking, Positive hearing, or Positive imagining in mind, and utilize properly. Then our mind will automatically convert to positive, and become stable. So don't fill your mind with negative thoughts."
"Heaven or Hell, is not a geographical location. No one is exist, in this Universe. This is only imagination of human, completely wrong concept, running since many years. Our Suffering, is reflected as Hell, and our Happiness, reflects as Heaven. Both depends, only on our regular work activities, and we'll get result, either to enjoy heavenly life, or to suffer pain, like hell"
"Everything is useful in this world. Snake Poison, is very dangerous. But when, we utilize the Snake Venom, to make Medicines of Cancer Therapy, and to save life, from poisonous snake bite, it becomes as, life saving. So in every situation, proper utilization is very important, specially, in right time, and in right place. "